
Words From Your Mouth.

3:00 pm
Room 203
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Every good podcaster or guest has something to say. Yet, many of us don’t take the time to polish and shape how we communicate those ideas to our audience or ponder how they may receive our message. Fillers words such as “um” or “uh” are words, sounds, or phrases people use to “fill in” empty spaces in communication. In most cases, filler words have a negative effect and reflect poorly on your communication skills. But because they come out unconsciously, they can be hard to, you know, stop.

Join Sean Savage, Syndicated Radio Host, Recording Arts Professor, and guest lecturer at TMU as he shares some strategies for podcast hosts and guests that he discovered helped him as a radio host and keynote speaker.

Key Take Aways

  • What filler words are.
  • The problem with filler words.
  • Learning to Listen.
  • How to Organize and Structure Your Message.
  • How Communicating is Connecting.


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Beginner Podcasting & Digital Media Session


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