
Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Podcast

4:00 pm
Room 202
Attend this Session

Join Marco Timpano, an acclaimed podcaster, producer, and performer, for a transformative workshop experience at PodCamp. As an instructor of Podcast Fundamentals at George Brown and a multi-award-winning expert in the field, Marco brings unparalleled insights to this session.

Drawing from his book, “25 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Podcast,” Marco provides novice podcasters with invaluable information and tools to kickstart their podcasting journey. Learn from his experiences, successes and failures as he delves into crucial aspects you should be aware of before embarking on your podcasting venture.

In this session, Marco candidly shares some of the significant mistakes he made when launching his award-winning podcasts, offering practical advice on how to avoid them. Discover time-saving podcasting tips that Marco has acquired along his journey, making the recording, editing, and producing processes seamless and efficient.

Overcoming barriers and obstacles is a crucial step in podcasting success. Marco addresses common challenges such as self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to begin. By dispelling these fears, he empowers aspiring podcasters to overcome immobilizing hurdles and confidently start their podcasting journey.

Elevate your podcasting game with practical advice, real-world experiences, and the guidance needed to navigate the dynamic world of podcast creation and production.

Key Take Aways

  • Addressing the biggest challenges we face before we begin we begin our podcast.
  • Setting your podcast up for success: Making your podcast journey easier by doing the work before you hit the record button
  • Time savers: tricks and tips that help you save time editing, recording and producing your podcast.
  • Resources: Helpful resources that will assist you in producing your podcast.
  • Q & A - Answering questions you've been to hesitant to ask or haven't been able to find the answer to.
Beginner Podcasting & Digital Media Session

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