
Podcasting For Beginners

10:00 am
Room 232
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In this introduction to podcasting, motivational speaker and podcast host Hanna Guzman will discuss the fundamentals of creating meaningful conversation, the basics of recording and resources you can find online to enhance the user experience. The workshop will include take away material alongside a Q&A open forum towards the end of the session.

At times beginners feel overwhelmed by all the information online. This session will cover how to plan an episode, book guests, and figure out your social media strategy.

Hanna previously taught this material in the fall of 2023 and, within three weeks, one of the  students had launched her podcast! It was the push she was looking for; perhaps it could be the push you’re looking for, too.

Key Take Aways

  • Finding a target market for your audience
  • Platform for recording
  • Episode outline
  • Booking guests
  • Confidence to start your own show!
Beginner Podcasting & Digital Media Workshop

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