
How To Create And Market A Fictional Podcast Series!

3:00 pm
Room 202
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Adam Murciano is the founder of 911 Podcasts. In just the 2 years we’ve been out, we have launched three full-cast fictional podcast series: CASCADIA (Sci-Fi), ICE-CREAM (Horror), and our recent one SUPERMARKET (Sitcom). In total, our series have accumulated close to a million global downloads, reached #1 on Apple Podcast Fiction Charts, Top 10 on Spotify Podcasts US charts, been featured by Spotify as “Best New Series” in 2022 and got to headline a panel at the 2022 Toronto Comicon with our cast!

In this workshop, Adam will take you through every step it takes to create a fictional podcast! From:

– Concept & Greenlighting your idea (Does it have legs to be a series? Is it multi-season? Limited season? Maybe it’s a feature audio-movie…)
– Writing process (How to write for fiction audio and when do you know your script is ready to record?)
– Casting (How to find the perfect cast. Working with the actors union, ACTRA or perhaps working with child actors).
– Recording Process (The obstacles of remote recording, live-room recording and keeping continuity throughout the process).
– Editing (How to make your show immersive/3D & exciting to listen too – this also includes scoring and how silence in a scene can be very powerful).
– Coverart /Hosting/Packaging/Release Scheduling (The secret on how to have a strong launch and getting your show on Apple homepages).
– Press! Press! Press! (How to use visuals and social media to your advantage to get the word out).
– Monetizing (How to make money off your show! Dynamic Ads, Host-read ads, etc.)

Key Take Aways

  • Concept & Greenlighting your idea (Does it have legs to be a series?)
  • Recording Process (The obstacles of remote recording, live room recording and keeping continuity).
  • Editing (How to make your show immersive/3D & exciting to listen too - this also includes scoring and how silence in a scene can be very powerful)
  • Coverart /Hosting / Packaging / Release Scheduling (The secret on how to have a strong launch and getting your show on Apple homepages)
  • Monetizing (How to make money off your show!)
Advanced Podcasting & Digital Media Session

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