
How to Build Your Personal Brand as a Creator, AT WORK!

10:00 am
Room 201
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Are you a digital creator ready to convert your creative skills, hobbies, and side hustles into professional opportunities at work?

Join personal brand expert Cher Jones in a session where she reveals why the need for employee creators is on the rise. Learn how to strategically showcase your creative talents on professional platforms like LinkedIn, so you become a magnet for creative projects and cool opportunities. Cher understands the nerves that come with exposing your Creator side to employers and will guide you through overcoming these fears. Most importantly, you’ll leave with five powerful strategies to upgrade your personal brand at work to significantly enhance your visibility, value, and ability to attract these hidden opportunities. This isn’t just about getting noticed – it’s about leveraging your creative talents to get paid for what you love doing. Let’s unlock the power of your creative genius at work!

Key Take Aways

  • How to turn your creative skills into recognized, valuable assets in your workplace.
  • Understand the growing demand for creative talents in today's workforce and how to capitalize on it.
  • How to strategically position your creative abilities (and business) on platforms like LinkedIn.
  • How to tackle your fears and overcome the nervousness of revealing your "Creator side" at work
  • Five actionable strategies that will upgrade your personal brand so it opens doors and attracts creative opportunities at work.
Intermediate Digital Business & Entrepreneurialism Session


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