28.09.2024 Register

About PCTO

PodCamp Toronto is a free, two-day event known as an “unconference", that’s all about sharing knowledge and passion for digital media. All perspectives are welcome, and we have regular attendees ranging from brand-new podcasting hobbyists to seasoned digital marketers.

That isn’t to say it’s only podcasters and marketers. One of the greatest things about PodCamp is the diversity in our community. You’ll meet activists leveraging digital media for social good. You could find yourself sitting beside a global thought leader in digital analytics and measurement. You might have the opportunity to hear a journalist speak on their experience in a rapidly changing digital world. PodCamp is also an excellent event for students, thanks to its low (or no) cost-of-entry and egalitarian approach.

To bring all these people together, a small team of volunteer organizers spend the year planning, fundraising and recruiting day-of volunteers to help keep things organized and flowing. It isn’t easy to make it all happen. But it’s so worth it.



a loosely structured conference emphasizing the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants, rather than following a conventionally structured program of events.